Saturday, April 16, 2011


Sorry I've been gone for like 10 years I've been super super busy! I'm going to take a longer break from the male models I think because I'm reading so many awesome books and they all absolutely must be reviewed! Plus I might start this new thing about places I know and love...might be a top ten, maybe not though. I'll see what happens.
1. I was introduced to Wither by my friend Rebecca who was sitting next to me in the school library one day reading it and all of a sudden starts laughing and says, "This girl just said she's going to set the sitting room on fire! So random!" So, I knew I had to read it.

2. Wither by Lauren DeStefano is set in the futuristic United States of America where all boys live to the age of 25 and all girls live to the age of 20 because of this virus that was the result of genetic testing gone wrong. Wither tells the story of Rhine, a sixteen year old girl who has been kidnapped and given to a man named Linden to be one of his three wives, because as scientists are trying to find a cure for the terrible virus, people are trying to keep the population going so the human race doesn't die out. Rhine doesn't want to be the wife of a stranger, but she has to keep the trust of her evil father in law and her new husband so she can figure out a way to get free and find her brother.

3. I liked being in Rhine's head. She's really strong, especially considering the fact that she's going to die in four years. I don't know any teenager that could be that cool about dying in four years. She is also incredibly smart, and a pretty good actress. There's just something about her, this inner strength that tells you she's NOT going to let anyone push her around, but at the same time, that she isn't going to be impulsive or stupid.

4. I thought the whole sister-wife thing was awesome. No, I'm not pro-polygamy. But I liked the real sisterhood between Rhine and her sister-wives, Jenna and Cecily. Yeah, Cecily was annoying, and Jenna used to be a hooker, but still. They were all in it together, even if they all had different goals. I also kind of loved Linden. Which I really shouldn't. Good job Lauren DeStefano making this technically despicable character so freaking LOVABLE.

It's a trilogy, so I can't WAIT until the next one comes out.

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