Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a healthy summer

I haven't been here in a while, and I am very sorry for that. I have been RIDICULOUSLY busy because well its the end of my senior year, so I have prom to plan, graduation presents to make, college stuff to do, etc. But never fear. When everything chills out a bit, I have many plans for fashion, top tens, and one very awesome rant that I'm sure everyone will agree with me about. Except the writers of teen soap operas...But that's all I'll say for now.

So this one is a quick-y. I was just thinking today about how summer is usually a time for trying new things, new experiences, dieting, etc. Mostly I'm focusing on dieting. Well no, I'm not on a diet. Anyone who knows me would probably yell at me if I went on a diet. However, I am determined to start eating healthier.

You see, my problem is that I'm an unnaturally picky eater. I don't really like meat, except for poultry. I mean I'll eat it if I must, but I don't really like it. So naturally, everyone then says to me, "Well then why don't you become a vegetarian?" Well, that's my other problem. I don't like vegetables either. My eating habits are kind of like a five-year-old's, to be quite honest. I love starch. Starch, starch, starch. And cheese. And together, starch and cheese equal GAINING WEIGHT. And like the average teenage American girl, I don't want to gain any weight! But it's not even just about gaining weight as much as it's, well, a starch and cheese and nothing diet isn't exactly healthy. You watch me eat at dinner and you'd think I was anorexic the way I pick at my food...until dessert arrives. Then I'm a complete pig.

So what it all comes down to, is this summer, I've decided that it's going to be all about yogurt and fruit. No, that's not all I will be eating. But, that's what I'll be snacking on, and lunching on. And when dinner comes, I'll try my best to eat all the steak because I need my iron, and I'll try my best to eat all the broccoli, because apparently it can help prevent cancer! And if I'm still hungry after dinner, instead of eating 10,000 pretzels, I'll grab an apple or a yogurt.

This will also be extremely helpful because I would like to cut down on belly fat, and both fruit and yogurt apparently can help you do that. But if you want to cut down on any fat at all, exercise is also key. So also this summer I pledge to exercise more! I'm going to have to figure out how though. I definitely want to try the seventeen magazine workout from the June/July issue. I know, it's not even June or July and they already gave me the June/July issue. But anyway, I say all the time that I'm going to start their workouts, and I never do. So this year, I WILL DO IT.

That's all for now. I'll try to come back soon! I PROMISE! <3

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